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6 Beauty Tips for the Winter Season

Winter seasons are a boon,and a bane all put into one when it comes to skin care. On the one hand,winter gives you the freedom to experiment with deeper lip colours and different kinds of makeup for beautification without the fear of it coming off from all the sweat and humidity.On the other hand, your skin demands extra care and moisture.

So here are some super beauty tips you can fall back on during the harsh winters.

  • Washing or more superficially cleansing your face is necessary during winters as it is during any other season. However, when cleansing ensures to wash with lukewarm water as that helps to retain the natural moisture by locking in on the skin oils.Restrict the number of washes to two.

  • Skin exfoliation is a must for all seasons. However, it advised that in order to retain your skin’s natural beauty you should exfoliate your face with a gentle scrub once a week. Too much scrubbing can add to drying. If you prefer some home remedies then a mild scrub made at home with ripe banana, apple, honey and two spoons of your daily gentle scrub is perfect for you.

  • Moisturizing is very important in winter and should be followed up by every wash to keep the skin soft and suppler. Also, apply a good oil-based moisturiser at night before going to sleep. For a natural dose of moisturization, you can use a few drops of almond oil or olive oil. For those with naturally oily skin,a normal water-based moisturiser would work fine.

  • During winters hydration is of the utmost importance because the harsh winter winds tend to dry you out. Drink a good amount of water to keep yourself well-hydrated. In case cold water irritates your throat, you can warm up the water a bit.

That goes for beauty tips related to strictly skin care. Now you have taken care of the initial level; you can top it off with some products of your liking like lip eyeliners, lipsticks, blushes, etc. read below to find out what beauty styles work best during this weather.

  • Deeper shades of lip colour work wonders during this season. Red is the classic go-tolipcolour for all women around the world. During this season, you can try out all shades of red without feeling conscious at all. Also, colour like plums, deep purple, berries, burgundy, browns isgreat lip shades to try during this season. These shades are guaranteed to suit all kinds of skin tones. However, people with lighter skin tone would be better off wearing a light shade of these colours.

  • You can give due attention to your pretty eyes during the winter. Get experimental and try all those different shades of mascara and eyeliners that you have lying away in your makeup bag. In case you decide to go heavy in the eyes you might want to tone down your lip colour with a lighter lipstick such as a nude.

Add aglow to your beauty this winter season with these beauty tips mentioned above.

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